A victim is taken out of the Rönesans Rezidans's ruins in Antakya. More than 800 people have been reported missing from the collapsed housing estate.
Survivors are walking among the ruins in Antakya.
The team discuss the rescue plan in their base.
A thousand people disappeared in this block of houses.
The HUNOR team is a group of professional Hungarian firefighters. They were also searching for survivors in Antakya, in the picture they are using a fibre optic camera to search for a survivor in the kitchen of a collapsed house.
A survivor collects wood for a campfire among the ruins. The temperature at the time of the disaster was around 0 degrees Celsius.
A helper is sitting on the fence of a collapsed house in Antakya town.
The worker is holding a toy, that was in the collapsed house.
A team member of the Hunor is climbing up on a ruin. Here was a house with more than ten floors before the earthquake.
Collapsed house in Antakya.
The HUNOR rescue team also worked at night.
Dead bodies lie next to a collapsed house.
A tired firefighter exits a collapsed house.
Members of the HUNOR rescue team warm themselves around the fire in their camp. The outside temperature was around 0 degrees Celsius during the rescue. The camp set up in the courtyard of a restaurant in Antakya.
Hungarian firefighters say goodbye to their Turkish helpers.
A team member sleeps with her dog at Adana airport while she is waiting for the flight.
End of the big journey.

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